Many people involved with Scientology have been initiated into something called a "Surupadman ritual". This is something that happened when Scientology was recently "bought out".
See the Scio page entitled:
You might find that the names on these pages are both
-Aramaic as well as Russian-
Surupadman is a deity that Al Queada uses. It is ancient. It is
said that Adolph Hitler used a similar if not the same type
of technique and ritual on the 3rd Reich army.
The technique is the same as the ritual; REMOVE
the SOUL, install an IMPLANT... DONE.
There are people trying to take my identity on the internet
(Jazlan Ahn) and use my information on a TV talk show which is
These are the people who have "hooked" me up to a Scio, inserted a communication device and have assaulted me with MK Ultra technology on Scio social network. You can see the communication device if you go to a page entitled: "JAZLAN AHN" or "LINDSEY GIRL" - under - "Telepath Device". I tried to tell the people who are holding me hostage that I already have a business on the internet known as: WWW.JAZLANAHN.COM. They think that they can just steal someone's identity and business because they are well known and have the money to do this? There are a zillion people out there doing energy work and personal growth coaching!!
We have many past lives and many spiritual connections.
These are two of the prominent representations
of spirit that are associated with
my sacred personal life path.
My spiritual and business practice has been
interfered with -and- interrupted by these people.
My human rights and privacy have been
violated 24 hours a day.
I cannot turn the monitoring off.
I do not have a Scio.
These people have me exposed day and night.
I cannot take a shower or go to the
bathroom in private. I have zero privacy.