King George V... was a homosexual man who dreamed about a transvestite male
utopian society. He was annoyed by women. As a homosexual male, he became
more and more obsessed with the desire to "receive" as a woman. Dressing as a
woman was already a popular trend. It began in the 1300's in Bavaria and
continued to flourish throughout Germany, Austria, France and Europe.
There were festivals that celebrated the transvestite male which began
as early as the 1300's.
Men who were of royal bloodlines or involved in politics wore
white wigs as to indicate their sexual gender preference.
It became a conventional trend that lasted for several
hundred years.
The idea behind the transvestite male as an icon of
social reform and transformation is one that has
been in full force to this day.
This concept did not however, originate in Europe.
It came from Asia...
The idea to transform society through the use of transvestite,
homosexual men (i.e., cross dressers, drag queen, etc.)
began in Asia. It was an idea that came from a Rimpoche
who diverted from the Buddhist tradition and became
a sorcerer. This is unfortunately was not uncommon.
The "yin-yang" theory of cosmic balance and divine
flow is illustrated with the figure eight pattern.
There will be a huge imbalance in the cosmic flow
of the universe if this is tampered with.
Our society has had open conversations about people who have
had sex changes (transsexual) and those who are male or
female transvestites. The psychology behind a life changing
transformation such as this is something that has not been
spoken or written about. It must be an incredible life
transition to change your persona from one gender
to the other. What is involved in a transformation
such as this? Transvestites are known for
taking hormonal supplements. If they are men they will
often take "estrogen" which is a female hormone.
If they are a woman they will often take "testosterone",
which is a male hormone.
These hormonal supplements are extremely dangerous and potent.
The need to supplement the hormonal imbalance with a sedative is
a way of life for them. They become addicted to a daily regimen
that demands maintenance and preparation. Their way of life
involves pretending to be something that they can never
truly fulfill.
They are often people who are resentful of women. The fact that
they will never have a vagina is something that they cannot
ignore. These people are different then a traditional
homosexual male who is living a lifestyle as a man
who has chosen to be homosexual as a man.
They may want to have a vagina and
receive as a woman would receive
a penis in a heterosexual
relationship - but they
are not trying
to harm
The transvestite male has been known to use "Scio" technology
to replicate the image, physical body, voice, personality of someone
(i.e. "Melissa Jones" who lives down the street) who
embodies the qualities and features that the male transvestite
has aspired to have as their own.
This is very dangerous to our society.
Lindsey Delapoer has been hi-jacked by these types of people
throughout her life!. She never agreed to it or was aware of it.
Most of the people on the following list are men.
The proof of this is found on Scio on the following Scio pages:
"The Christie Brinkley"
"The Cheryl Tiegs"
"The Kathy Smith"
"The Kathy Ireland"
"The Heidi Klum"
"The Beau Derrick"
"The Linda Evans"
"The Claudia Shiffer"
"The Elaine Irwin"
"The Elvira"
"The Cassandra Peterson"
"The Charlize Theron"
"The Margeaux Hemmingway"
"The Kitty Spencer"
"The Christina Wagner"
"The Raquel Welch"
"The Pat Priest"
"The Grace Kelly"
"The Jane Fonda"
"Jane Fonda Fitness"
The cosmic principle of allowing male transvestites to be used as a female
representative in the performing arts has a detrimental affect on
human consciousness. Somebody knew that...
That person would have most likely been involved in
metaphysics or perhaps tantric Buddhism.
Anal and oral sex is what the transvestite male uses. This is an important
subject matter that no one really wants to talk about. It does have
a destructive affect on the human psyche. Men who have tried
this with a transvestite man have even admitted to this.
There is a psychological type of twist that occurs
which provokes a temptation to actually
"receive as a woman".
Why is that bad? It alters the way that a man thinks!
Why do we care if a man thinks like a woman and wants to
have a vagina? What's so wrong about that?
It will affect our society in a negative way by changing the masculine
role of the human male. We will always need the men to evolve
into being a balanced, strong and nurturing FATHER figure.
The male psyche will not be able to grow or evolve into the
"father figure" if the men are choosing to "receive as a woman".
How do they "receive as a woman" without a vagina?
Through the anus. Homosexual men often refer to their anus
as their "butt vagina". They begin to have a sexual desire
in that location of the body as soon as they start having anal sex.
The image of a man who appears to be a woman who
is having sex with another man creates a
mental type of conditioning.
Our human society will decay and be destroyed as we
loose connection with the symbol and reflection
of the male anchor which is derived
from the strength of the
father figure.
The film and music industry has been using transvestite man as
actors and performers since the 1920's. It is almost impossible
to tell the difference whether they are a man or a woman.
The destructive agenda to wipe out the masculine
father figure has been in force for decades.
- The film, publication and music industry has been established by people who were involved in various organizations which have amalgamated into one conglomerate.
- Organized crime groups (Italian, Albanian, Greek, Russian and Asian families). Many of these families originated from dictators such as: "Franco, Mussolini, Hirohito, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Shindler, etc. These families are only some of the people who came into the United States during WWII. Many of them were already here.
- Early gold and silver miners came from Russia and Asia into the Alaskan Yukon. They eventually travelled into California where they became miners of the California Gold Rush.
- Many of the gold miners invested in the Railroad industry. Railroad moguls often invested in the FILM and PUBLICATIONS INDUSTRIES.
- The bloodline of Vladimir Nosferatu is represented by 90% of the people involved in these industries. Why is that? The people who were related to this bloodline were people who had familial connections with the entertainment industry through organized crime groups. They are people who's ancestors raped, pillaged and plundered the countryside; stealing everything in site. They are a ruthless breed of DNA. They are truly a breed. Not exactly a pedigree. Their bloodline carries a demonic element which originates from northern Africa. They travelled and integrated with several different cultures throughout history. Their history is fascinating due to the fact that they are the people who have taken over royal families and governments through their tenacious and aggressive genetic predisposition. They cannot help themselves. They are involved in traditions which include cannibalism and satanic rituals of eating human flesh. They believe in destruction as a way to survive and progress.
- The ingesting of human flesh is not something that a physically healthy human being would crave. These people have maintained a practice of eating the spoiled raw meat of various animals in order to induce a type of behavioral characteristic. The spoiled meat is laden with a parasitic organism that eventually has a trans mutative affect on their human bio-chemistry. This is one of the reasons for the craving of human blood, fesses and flesh.
- The eating of spoiled raw meat can alter their human behavior. It has the potential of inducing a behavioral characteristic. If you are someone who lacks personality of any kind this may be something that is intriguing for you. These people have not been able to develop an authentic personality characteristic on their own. They are people who are discarnate souls. Discarnate souls are not able to authentically create or express themselves easily. They have to use artificial or supplemental resources. They are people who copy and mimic anything that they see or hear that will add to their collection of stolen repertoire. They are very aware of this impediment and are often defensive and competitive. They strive to try to prove that they are superior because they know that they are not.
- Human beings who are incarnated or on a spiritual evolutionary path do not need to be associated with any type of religious doctrine or organization to be "of God". It is natural. We, as human beings are "of Creation"; it comes with the package.
- Lindsey has been used as a training and abuse "poppet" tool for the Nazi children to use and beat the crap out of as a child. These people are in their 60's,70's and 80's now. They found out that she has been active and functional all of these years. This just about destroyed their entire little comfort bubble! They are trying to use her for their children and grand children now. They do not want her to be productive in any way shape or form. This is a huge part of the reason as to why she is being tortured. The Scio pages to look for are as follows:
- "Archangel Michael"
- "My Experiment"
- "The Gifted"
- "Lindsey's a Zero"
- "Charter Communications"
- "The Debbie Ford"
- "The Ascended Master"
- "The Archangel"
- "The Ascendant"
- The tradition of "bringing a soul through" is one which is carried throughout the bloodline. This means that they are actually bringing a soul of their ancestors, friend or blood relation into creation. These souls were not able to "ascend" back to creator or "God". They were people who were discontinued from the path of spiritual evolution a long, long time ago. In order for this to occur they would have had to commit a consistent series of incarnations which included:murder, rape, bestiality, the taking of souls from birth and from other people, sodomy, theft, molestation, deception and perversion of all kinds. It is not something that happens easily or casually. If a person is someone who has been "brought through", this means that they have most likely been a discarnate soul for some time. They are people who have committed the most abusive and violent crimes.
- These are the people who are in the film, publication and film industry. These are the people representing "success", "fame", "talent". These are the people who have to use another person's talent. Why is that? Because people who have been brought through are "not of God". They are lacking "God Stuff". They are no longer connected with the spiritual evolutionary path. This does not mean that people who are "of God" are ALL saints. They can still be idiots, killers, cut throats and thieves. Human beings are given a very long and generous leash to make our mistakes before we are completely cut off from the evolutionary path of incarnation.
- The film publication and music industry has been using "DNA Interface Technology" for Artificial Talent Applications. They do not have talent of their own. It is time to recognize this as a terrorist organization that is influencing the public in a dangerous and negative way. There is no other way to look at this. They have been intentionally trying to interfere with human consciousness. The proof is on Scio.